June 17

Removing Old Beliefs: Mystical Dreams and Experiences

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Removing Old Beliefs

Removing old beliefs was the theme of a series of vivid and intriguing dreams I had on the night of June 24, 2020. These dreams were filled with rich symbolism and personal insights, prompting me to reflect deeply on their meanings. In this blog post, I hope to share my journey of interpretation and the revelations that followed, as well as offer some guidance for those interested in exploring their own dreams.

The Dreams

Dream One: The Roommate and the Party

In the first dream, I contemplated having a roommate live in my house. For a moment, I considered letting them occupy the upper level. This potential roommate was someone I used to be jealous of. Then the dream shifted, and I saw a quote about scripture: The quote read, “I will bring all things back to remembrance. This quote correlates with scripture. “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance.” John 14:26.

The scene transitioned to a small party at my house, with a few guests, including the person I was interested in and the person I had previously been jealous of. They seemed to be getting too close for comfort, but I brushed it off. Then, I noticed a young boy, possibly a nephew or grandson, crying. Someone picked him up and made him laugh, stopping his tears.

Dream Two: The Freezer and the Milk

The second dream took place in my kitchen. An older Asian woman was standing on a stool, cleaning out my freezer and throwing away old items. She then started cleaning the refrigerator and handed me a gallon of milk with a little bit left, asking if I still wanted it because it was starting to go bad. I replied, “It’s okay; my dad will use it for his coffee in the morning.”

After this exchange, my dad walked out to the garage. I then noticed that the person I was interested in was sleeping on an air mattress with the girl I used to be jealous of. Unhappy with the situation, I walked back into the house, saying, “Hey, turn the lights out,” but instead just left the light on and the door open. I immediately thought, “I am the only woman who sleeps with…”

Then my phone woke me up. As I turned off the lights to go back to sleep, a veil of gray seemed to move upward. Through it, I saw a giant stone sculpture of a man. The veil moved again, revealing stone mountains. I thought about “industry and the lifting of the veil” while sleeping.

Reflecting on the Dreams

Upon waking, I instinctively knew that the old items in the freezer symbolized outdated beliefs being cleared out. The first dream’s house scene represented my new self, now residing in higher states of consciousness. The milk initially thought to be just a mundane element of my day, took on deeper meaning upon reflection. It symbolized remnants of old beliefs, questioning whether I wanted to keep them. In addition, the dream involving the roommate and individual I used to be jealous of represented an old state of consciousness—an old belief. So, the underlying symbolism of the dreams was removing old beliefs.

Symbolism of the Milk

Milk is mentioned numerous times in scripture, such as in the story of Exodus 3:8, “So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of the land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey….”, who came from the land of milk and honey. Egypt represents the land of bondage, and I believe, based on my experience, that milk represents abundance. This interpretation aligns with my awakening process and the shedding of outdated beliefs.

Understanding Dreams and Their Symbolism

Dreams can be powerful tools for personal insight and spiritual growth. Recording and reflecting on your dreams can uncover patterns and symbols that offer guidance and understanding. For those interested in delving deeper into their dream worlds, I have digital dream journals available for purchase and download. These journals can help you track your dreams, identify recurring themes, and interpret the messages your subconscious is sending.


The dreams of June 24, 2020, served as a profound reminder of the power of our subconscious and the importance of clearing out old beliefs to make way for new growth. Understanding and embracing the symbolism in our dreams allows us to gain valuable insights into our inner selves and spiritual journeys.

If you want to explore your dreams and uncover their hidden meanings, consider keeping a dream journal. Not only will it help you remember your dreams more vividly, but it will also provide a space for reflection and interpretation. Embrace the journey, and let your dreams guide you toward greater self-awareness and spiritual enlightenment.

Digital Dream Journal
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Channeling, Dream Interpretation, Dream Symbolism, Dreams, Inner Wisdom, Lynna K Teer, Mystical Experiences, Spiritual Awakening

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