June 16

The Battle Within: Struggling with Inner Conflict

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The Battle Within

The battle within is real. It is the battle of the mind. Have you ever had days where you wonder if you have multiple personalities? I have! Though it’s been a long time since I felt that way, revisiting some old notes recently brought those memories back. It’s important to clarify that I don’t mean to make light of the serious condition of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), which is a legitimate and challenging mental health issue. Instead, I’m talking about the more common experience of feeling torn between different aspects of oneself.

The Inner Struggle

For a long time, I wrestled with the person I wanted to be versus the person I felt trapped as due to anxiety and depression. It often felt like there were two versions of me in constant conflict. On one hand, there was the version of me that I knew deep inside I could be—confident, happy, and successful. On the other, there was the version ensnared by negative thoughts and emotions.

In retrospect, I realize that this wasn’t a case of having two separate identities. Instead, it was a battle between two concepts of who I was as I was shedding the old self and awakening to the new. The conflicting thoughts created an internal struggle that sometimes felt like having multiple personalities.

The Power of Outside Influences

Our thoughts are significantly influenced by external factors such as people, media, and circumstances. We react to other people’s opinions, the things we see and hear, and the events we experience. These reactions shape our thoughts and, consequently, our sense of self.

For me, the pervasive feelings of worthlessness, anxiety, and depression were largely shaped by these external influences. They created a mental environment where my true self was suffocated by negativity. Despite this, there was always a part of me yearning to break free, to flourish, to love myself, and to be happy.

Breaking Free

I’m happy to say that I’ve triumphed over these feelings of entrapment. Achieving this victory wasn’t easy, and it required persistent effort to monitor and shift my thoughts. By focusing on positive thinking and rejecting old, harmful mindsets, I’ve been able to embrace a sense of wholeness.

This journey of self-discovery and transformation is ongoing. Every day, I work to maintain this new mindset, ensuring that any lingering negative thoughts don’t take hold. While I never fully believed I had multiple personalities, the fleeting thoughts of such were unsettling. Now, I feel unified and at peace with myself.

Understanding the True You

If you’ve ever felt like you were two different people, consider that the real you might be buried under a heap of thoughts and ideas that aren’t truly your own. These thoughts could be the result of external influences and the reactions you’ve developed over time.

Understanding this can be the first step toward reclaiming your true self. By identifying and challenging the thoughts that hold you back, you can begin to uncover and nurture the person you really are. This process involves:

  1. Self-awareness: Recognize the thoughts and feelings that dominate your mind. Are they truly yours, or are they reactions to external influences?
  2. Mindfulness: Practice being present and aware of your thoughts without judgment. This helps in distinguishing between your true self and the imposed thoughts.
  3. Positive Affirmations: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations that reinforce your true identity and capabilities.
  4. Seek Support: Whether through therapy, coaching, support groups, or trusted friends, seeking help can provide the guidance and encouragement needed to navigate this journey.

The Journey to Wholeness

Emerging victorious from this inner struggle has been a wondrous experience. Feeling whole and at peace is something I cherish, and I’m committed to maintaining this state of mind. The journey to this point has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, self-love, and the power of thought.

Every day presents a new opportunity to reinforce this positive mindset and to ensure that any old, negative thoughts don’t regain control. It’s a continuous process of growth and self-improvement.


Feeling like you have multiple personalities can be a sign of deeper inner conflict. This conflict often stems from a clash between your true self and the negative thoughts influenced by external factors. By becoming aware of these influences and actively working to shift your mindset, you can break free from the feeling of being trapped.

The journey to self-discovery and wholeness is challenging but rewarding. It involves recognizing and challenging the thoughts that don’t serve you, embracing positive affirmations, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support when needed. Ultimately, it’s about uncovering and nurturing your true self, allowing you to live a life of authenticity and fulfillment. Have you ever felt like you were living as two different people? If so, perhaps it’s time to explore the thoughts and influences that shape your sense of self and to embark on the journey toward wholeness.

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Anxiety and Depression, Lynna K Teer, Mindset, Personal Growth, Positive Thinking, Self-discovery

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