December 11

Expansion of Consciousness


Expansion of Consciousness

Expansion of consciousness is a journey, so I stopped writing for a few months.  Several blog posts were drafted and in the works, but I stopped posting.  I was feeling uninspired and stuck, to be honest.  There’s a purpose, though.  Some things never leave you – what you’re truly meant to do.  My journey is constantly unfolding, though, just like everyone else.  So, I searched for inspiration because I didn’t want to write just for the sake of writing. I found it, and now I’m faced with the exciting challenge of merging the old with the new.  Don’t ever think you’re stuck in one spot! Expand your consciousness.

Keep moving, huh?  If you read my blog because you deal with anxiety and/or depression, your first thought might be, “right, keep moving; I can barely get out of bed.”  I get it! Moving forward makes a big difference, even if it’s baby steps.  You might not see it now, but you will.  I’ll be 49 this year, and as I reflect, I realize that I learned something new every time I pushed past pain and anything uncomfortable.  I am still learning even though I no longer deal with anxiety and depression.

The challenge I now face is sharing my past experiences while discussing the expansion of consciousness I’m now experiencing. It all ties in together.  I don’t want anyone to think I am minimizing the hurt or pain anyone might be going through.  If anything, I want others to know that the pain won’t last forever.  Especially if you’re able to change your story now, stop identifying with depression and anxiety because it honestly does not define you.

The journey will make sense as you move through life and reach the point of awakening. There will be no going back when you experience that expansion in consciousness. Things like the feeling state of anxiety or depression won’t even resonate. With more love and compassion, you’ll begin thinking more from your heart center. Your life will change.


Conscious Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Lynna K Teer, Manifestation Mastery, Manifesting Techniques, Meditation, Spiritual Discipline, Visualization

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