July 5

An Adumbration of The Promise

An Adumbration of the Promise and Death of the Old Man

An adumbration of the Promise is a foretelling of the Promise of Salvation. The Promise is spoken of in the New Testament, while the foretelling of what is to come is told in the Old Testament. Dreams can often leave us pondering their deeper meanings. One vivid dream from October 21, 2019, has done just that for me. This dream, filled with striking imagery and intense emotions, has led me to question whether it was an adumbration of the Promise.

The Dream

In this dream, I found myself in a setting that resembled a café or a fast-food restaurant but with an unsettling twist. The entire space was sterile and white, like a highly sanitized hospital room. I was with a man, my arms wrapped around his waist, when suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by the sound of a gunshot. A man had been shot and lay on the ground with his skull cracked open, exposing half of his brain. Strangely, there was no blood, at least none that I recall. The wounded man kept repeating something, “Am I dying?” or “I don’t want to die.” His words echoed with a sense of desperation and fear.

Symbolic Connections

As I reflected on this dream, the word Golgotha, which translates to “skull” in the Bible, came to mind. According to Neville Goddard, the Promise is that God will bring forth from our body a son who will be “born, not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God” (John 1:13). Could this dream be an adumbration of the Promise and the old man’s death? The exposed brain might signify the truth revealed. The essence of understanding God is all imagination. The Promise—the birth from above—will occur within each of us, leading to our awakening. The man’s repeated questions about dying might symbolize the death of the old self. The old self is the former consciousness we must leave behind to embrace our divine nature.

Personal Reflections

Although I did not receive an innate knowledge of the dream’s meaning, I understand death in the context of spiritual awakening. As described in scripture and Neville’s accounts, the birth from above is a profound transformation that I have yet to experience fully. Throughout the dream, I felt wind entering my head—a familiar feeling I’ve encountered many times. Near the end of the dream, I saw rapid images moving at warp speed through space, reminiscent of a film reel. These images, though indistinguishable, felt significant, like pieces of a giant puzzle.

Exploring the Promise

The Promise, as conveyed in the New Testament, is not merely a concept but a profound reality that each person can experience. It is the assurance of spiritual awakening and rebirth, a transformation that transcends our current state of consciousness. This promise is vividly illustrated in the Bible, where the coming of a savior and the ultimate salvation of humanity are foretold. In my dream, the dramatic imagery and intense emotions seemed to point toward this transformational journey.

The Significance of Golgotha

The reference to Golgotha in my dream is particularly striking. Golgotha, the place of the skull, is where Jesus was crucified. This location symbolizes the ultimate sacrifice and the profound transformation that follows. In Neville Goddard’s teachings, this place represents the human skull, where the divine drama unfolds within each individual. The skull cracked open, revealing the brain, could symbolize the breaking open of our old selves to reveal a higher truth. For more on the significance of Golgotha and its symbolism, you can explore these lectures.

The Death of the Old Man

The repeated question, “Am I dying?” echoes the theme of dying to the old self. In a spiritual awakening, the old man must die for the new self to emerge. This means the former state of consciousness must make room for the new state. This concept is deeply rooted in biblical and mystical traditions, where rebirth and transformation are central themes. The death of the old man is not a physical death but a profound inner transformation. Understanding this process can be further explored in this resource on spiritual transformation.

The Birth from Above

The Promise, as explained by Neville Goddard, involves a birth from above, a spiritual rebirth that transcends our physical existence. This birth is “not of blood nor the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God” (John 1:13). It is an awakening to our true divine nature, a realization that we are more than our physical bodies and earthly experiences. This birth from above is a crucial aspect of the Promise. It symbolizing our ultimate transformation and return to divine consciousness. To delve deeper into this concept, read this essay on spiritual rebirth.

Dreams as a Path to Awakening

Dreams have long been regarded as windows into our subconscious mind, revealing deeper truths and guiding us on our spiritual journey. With its vivid imagery and emotional intensity, my dream is a powerful reminder of the inner transformation we can all achieve. Dreams can be seen as messages from our higher self, urging us to look beyond the surface and seek the deeper meaning of our existence. For more on the role of dreams in spiritual growth, this guide on interpreting dreams can provide valuable insights.

The Role of Introspection

Introspection plays a crucial role in understanding the deeper meanings of our dreams and the concept of the Promise. By reflecting on our inner experiences and emotions, we can gain insights into our spiritual journey and transformations. In my case, the dream prompted me to delve deeper into the teachings of Neville Goddard and the biblical narratives of salvation and rebirth. This process of introspection has been invaluable in understanding the significance of the dream and its implications for my personal growth. For practical steps on incorporating introspection into your daily life, this article on self-reflection offers helpful tips.

Embracing the Journey

The journey of spiritual awakening is ongoing, and each dream and insight brings us closer to the truth. My dream from October 21, 2019, serves as a reminder of the Promise—the assurance of spiritual rebirth and the death of the old self. As I continue to explore and reflect on these profound concepts, I am reminded of the importance of staying open to the messages from our higher self and the divine. Embracing this journey with an open heart and mind allows us to experience the transformations that await us fully. This book provides a wealth of information for further reading on the journey of spiritual awakening.


The adumbration of the Promise is a powerful reminder of the transformative journey we are all on. Through dreams, introspection, and spiritual exploration, we can uncover the deeper meanings of our experiences and move closer to our true divine nature. My dream from October 21, 2019, with its vivid imagery and intense emotions, has prompted me to reflect on the concepts of the Promise and the old man’s death. While I may not have all the answers, this dream has ignited a more profound curiosity and commitment to my spiritual growth. The journey of awakening is ongoing, and each dream and insight brings us closer to the truth. Embrace the journey, honor the Promise, and continue exploring our existence’s profound mysteries.
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Channeling, Dream Interpretation, Dream Symbolism, Dreams, Inner Wisdom, Lynna K Teer, Mystical Experiences, Spiritual Awakening

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