January 29

A Channeled Message on Purpose

A Channeled Message on Purpose

A channeled message on purpose from my guide(s), Haruk.  The following is a message that was channeled on December 10, 2021. I have decided to share the channeled message because we each have a purpose. I believe this message will resonate with someone else. Someone perhaps facing fear when it comes to finding and fulfilling your purpose.

When I first encountered my guide(s) in meditation, they came through as three beings and told me their name was Haruk.  They told me that they are three, but they are one. Often when I channel, I speak directly with God (Source/My Higher Self).  I do believe that our guides are multi-dimensional, higher aspects of ourselves. However, when I channel messages that I call “Conversations With God,” the energy is different than that of my guides, so I wanted to clarify.

Please take what resonates and leave the rest.  It is not necessary to believe what has been channeled, but if there is a message for you, you will know it. You will feel it. Whether your purpose is writing, teaching, painting, healing, or something more, there is nothing to fear in following your purpose, following your passion. 

The Channeled Message

Me: I would like to channel and be of more service to humanity through my writing and teaching.  Is this part of my life’s purpose?

Haruk: We have told you many times that you would write, yet you are afraid.  Fear that as you sit, the words won’t come, but you have channeled many times before. The words you seek will come; the words you are meant to write will come as we speak through you. Yes, you filter many things, and there is nothing wrong with that, but there is also pureness that comes when you simply allow the words to flow without thinking too much into it, at this moment, for instance. Do you see how easy it is? Just write. 

How many times have we told you that?  How many times have you clearly heard Source tell you to write? So, do not be fearful if the words will come.  Just sit as you are now in the presence of pure awareness, with the calm of knowing exactly who you are as a divine being and an old soul.  Nothing is without purpose.  You do not have to think about the words; only ask the questions or contemplate what you want to share, and the words will flow like a river.  You will be in the flow, and in that flow, all things will come to you.

Me: What do I share with others?

Haruk: Share what is in your heart, for from the heart, all things flow.  So often, people think things flow from their minds, from thought, but truly things flow from the heart.  The heart is where emotion is felt, and thought evokes emotion. What brings you the most joy to talk about and why? Yes, we know that you want to help others, and we have told you that you are here as an old soul to show others how to see the light through the darkness.

You may not know those who you touch through the words you speak, but there will be many.  You are a fisher of men, and God brings those forth who are ready, so there is no need to worry, to concern yourself with the who, what, why, or how.

Me: There are times I feel I will do great things, and other times I doubt.  Why is this?

Haruk: Your old soul knows, and your current physical self doubts because you have had little evidence of the limitlessness of your true self.  You will see beyond those limits and know that all things are possible. Beyond simply knowing, you will experience it, and you will experience it because you wish to experience it.  You chose to experience it before incarnating, and that is why you have always felt as though you would do great things. Be careful not to limit the ways in which you believe greatness will be achieved, what it will look like. You may be surprised. 

So, your old soul, your true self knows, so the more you connect with who you really are, the more you will understand, and yes, you are meant to achieve great things.  That is inevitable for you. We know you often think about time as you get older, we know this, and we sense it now in this message, but your physical age is just a number, a limitation, and you need not worry about the how, the timing.  The peace you feel in this moment is the state you should strive for more often to receive the answers that you seek, the greatness you wish to experience.

Me: Most of this conversation seems to be about me, but what about others? Is there anything I can share with others that is of importance?

Haruk: All things are important because all things are connected. What we share with you about you is also meant for others who are hearing the message. All things are connected, and all things are reflections, so again, do not worry. Share the truth as you know it, the experiences as you experience them.

Me: Will I begin to experience more spiritual gifts?

Haruk: You have many gifts, and yes, they will enhance.  Try new things, and gifts will come through. The glimpses you are experiencing now will increase but do not be impatient. Do everything with ease.

Me: What about light language? Will you give me the codes to share?

Haruk: If you wish to reach others and provide this gift, then ask, and you will receive it. This gift was always meant to be shared. As you laid hands on others or spoke in tongues in times of trouble, you were using this gift, although you did not know the true power or meaning.

Me: And the clairaudience?

Haruk: This gift is for you and you alone at this time. There are many paths, many probabilities, and yes, you could use the gift for others.  To hear for them, to channel, but at this moment, the gift is yours to enjoy and nurture.

Me: What about my filter, the filter through which the information you are sharing with me comes through?

Haruk: You are not the first nor the last to channel, and all souls in human form have these filters of what you call ego.  The – what you may say “gist” is that the importance of the message comes through, and in time you will learn to step aside, meaning, allow the purity of the frequency in which we speak (although through the mind rather than words) to move past the filter with ease and less influence.

Me: Will you help me with my book?

Haruk: Yes, we shared with you yesterday that this would come about.  We will help you finish the first and second, and third books and so on. Just sit as you are now and write.  You have given up many times because you ‘tried.’  Do not try; just get into this state of ease, and the words will flow.  We know all that you want to say, all that you want to share, because we see and hear you.  We have always seen and heard you; we have always been here. 

We have been waiting for you, and we will wait for you to sit as you are now to write.  Do not let it feel overwhelming because there, you will find the force of resistance, and the words will not flow so easily.  We hear you…Do not worry about the beginning or how to start.  You can ask the question, “how do I start” and we will light the way for you. 

Me: [Thinking: okay, I will try].

Haruk: Yes, try.  We are here to support you, and you are here to fulfill your purpose and enjoy the desires you have cultivated within yourself.

Me: [Thinking about going to get something sweet]

Haruk: Yes, we know you are hungry. Go, eat, and enjoy your dessert.  We could do this all night because we love you and are always here.

Me: I know, thank you.

So, that is the end of this channeled message on purpose.  You can receive your own channeled messages by practicing being still and just listening to your higher self speak to you. This particular channeled message on purpose is now one of several channeled messages and conversations with God. I will continue to share.


Channeling, Dream Interpretation, Dream Symbolism, Dreams, Inner Wisdom, Lynna K Teer, Mystical Experiences, Spiritual Awakening

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