August 11

Exploring the Concepts of Time and Force When Manifesting


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Time and Force in Manifestation

Time and force, when manifesting, are two pivotal factors in the journey of consciously manifesting desires. As I delve deeper into the patterns and principles of manifestation, I understand the profound influence these elements hold. Often, the common perception of time and the exertion of force can become obstacles in the manifestation process. However, shifting our understanding and approach to these concepts can significantly enhance our ability to manifest our desires.

Time: An Illusion to Transcend

The phrase “Time is just an illusion” resonates deeply within the context of manifestation. Our traditional understanding of time—measured in hours, days, minutes, months, and years—is a limited construct that confines our perception of reality. Historically, humanity has attempted to define time more calculably, resulting in the rigid structure we adhere to today. This conventional view of time influences how we perceive the past, present, and future, often creating unnecessary anxiety and constraints.

Recently, my exploration into the nature of time and its relation to manifestation was illuminated by insights from various sources. A significant turning point was a video by Joseph Alai on his YouTube channel, which provided a clearer understanding of time’s role in manifestation. Additionally, a show on Gaia titled “Intuition: A Journey to the Origins of the Universe” offered profound answers that aligned with my newfound perspectives. These insights emphasized the importance of detaching from the conventional construct of time when consciously manifesting desires such as health, wealth, love, or happiness.

When manifesting, it is crucial to change the way we view time. Instead of feeling anxious or constrained by time, we should focus solely on our desires. We create a powerful synergy that propels our desires into reality by aligning our inner speech, outer speech, and thoughts with what we want. The essence of successful manifestation lies in disregarding time and maintaining absolute faith that our desires will materialize. This mindset allows us to experience our desires within our reality without time-related stress.

Force: The Counterproductive Element

Understanding the role of force is equally important in the manifestation process. Through personal experience and observation, I have realized that exerting force is counterproductive when manifesting. This concept is beautifully encapsulated in Neville Goddard’s Law of Reverse Effort. According to Goddard, the direction of our attention must be controlled with minimal effort. If we attempt to control it forcefully, we inadvertently achieve the opposite results.

My experiences validate this principle. The results have been unfavorable whenever I have tried to force a visualization or compel a specific outcome. The forcing creates a sense of resistance and discomfort, hindering the manifestation process. Instead, I have found immense joy and success in envisioning the result of my desires in a relaxed and effortless manner. This approach allows the feelings of fulfillment and joy to flow naturally, aligning my internal state with my desired outcome.

One effective technique is to visualize and feel the fulfillment of the desire without force. Often, it is easier to evoke the feeling of the desired outcome without conjuring a vivid picture. Even without closing my eyes, daydreaming about the fulfilled desire brings joy and fulfillment. This practice reinforces the belief that the desire is already achieved, a crucial aspect of manifestation.

Whenever I attempt to force a manifestation, the discomfort serves as a signal to relax and reconnect with my inner self. This awareness is invaluable, as it highlights when I am overly focused on external outcomes rather than trusting the internal process. By relaxing and embracing the belief that all desires already exist, the manifestation process becomes smoother and more effective.

The Path to Effortless Manifestation

In conclusion, our understanding and approach to time and force profoundly influence the journey of consciously manifesting desires. By transcending the conventional perception of time and avoiding the exertion of force, we align ourselves with the natural flow of the universe. This alignment is achieved through mindful inner speech, thoughts, and outer speech that resonate with our desires.

To manifest effortlessly, we must remain relaxed and confident in our belief that everything we desire exists. Techniques that feel good and natural should be employed in a relaxed state of mind, reinforcing our belief in the inevitability of our desires. By embracing these principles, we can manifest our desires with greater ease and joy, experiencing the abundant reality we envision.

When understood and applied correctly, the concepts of time and force unlock the true potential of manifestation. As we continue to explore and practice these principles, the path to conscious manifestation becomes more transparent and more fulfilling.


Conscious Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Lynna K Teer, Manifestation Mastery, Manifesting Techniques, Meditation, Spiritual Discipline, Visualization

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