November 28

The Ego

The ego, what is it exactly? Despite what you see with your eyes, how do you experience the world? I used to buy into the idea of ego and had to fight against it.  I used to view the world and everything in it as something outside myself.  But that is no longer the case.

The ego is a term that defines a state of consciousness, which is different than the dictionary definitions. In my opinion, the ego consists of beliefs, thoughts, and assumptions about who you are and what you think or believe, right? If we believe that our ego is getting in the way, in the way of what?  Our true selves?  The ego is not some alternate identity separate from our true self because there is no separation.

Where Does the Ego Come From

Where did the word ego come from?  If I were to sit here, in my chair, as I have done numerous times, and observe my thoughts, what would I observe? Perhaps a thought about an event in my life or a thought about awareness.  Maybe I hear God speaking to me.  It all comes from the same place, which is awareness. There is no ego. The term may have been created to describe what causes us to take specific actions.

I have no idea if this makes sense, but I’ve realized there is no separation as I’ve awakened. There is no past or future; there is only now.  I’m not the first person to recognize that, either.  Everything exists, so all thoughts, events, and everything exists and can be made manifest at any given time.  The ego is thought, just like all other thoughts.  If one believes a set of thoughts make up what they define as “the ego,” that is a state of consciousness.  We are constantly moving through unnumbered states, and all states exist simultaneously.  However, one can only occupy one state at any given time.

No Ego to Overcome

So, the intrusive ego shouldn’t be considered intrusive at all.  The thoughts that arise within us allow us to change our state.  As we observe our thoughts and change the ones we do not like, we can change or reset our natural state.  We have the natural states we consistently reside in (healthy, unhealthy, successful, lacking, happy, depressed, etc.).  There is no ego to overcome. There are only states, and within those states are thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions.

Remember that there is only now.  If thoughts arise in the now, then observe them. If a thought needs to be changed because it is unlovely or no longer serves you, change it.  There is no ego to combat or hide from.  Just observe. Please don’t take my word for it, though.  Just sit and observe your thoughts without fighting against them.There is no power outside of self, so the answer is whether this is true or not resides within you.


Anxiety and Depression, Lynna K Teer, Mindset, Personal Growth, Positive Thinking, Self-discovery

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