May 12

Stepping Into Another Dimension

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Stepping Into Another Dimension

I felt as though I was stepping into another dimension on the night of December 13, 2019. I experienced a dream that felt profoundly different than other dreams; transitioning through various realities. It remains unclear whether it was one extended dream or a series of interconnected ones. However, the sensation of moving in and out of different dimensions was unmistakable.

The Dream

In the dream, I felt myself floating or flying through different realities. Towards the end, I had a distinct sensation of physically stepping forward into a specific point in time. This step felt deliberate and significant like I had crossed a veil between dimensions. As I reflect on this experience, I wonder if this sensation of stepping forward marked my return to our current reality. It was like I had bridged a gap in time and space, returning to my body and waking world.

Quantum Physics and Parallel Realities

Most of us have heard about Quantum Physics and parallel realities. Although I haven’t delved deeply into these scientific theories, I find them fascinating. The idea that multiple realities can exist simultaneously resonates with my personal experiences and the teachings of Neville Goddard. Neville’s insights into imagination and consciousness often suggest that our reality is one of many possible worlds.

During my dream, I didn’t see these other worlds in detail; I felt them. The sensations were vivid and tangible, but the visuals were absent. This lack of visual detail didn’t diminish the experience. Instead, it highlighted the profound sense of moving through unseen layers of existence.

Reflecting on the Dream

Upon waking, I couldn’t shake the feeling of having journeyed through different dimensions. The final step I took in the dream felt like a return to my waking life. It happened just before I woke up, supporting this interpretation. Whatever the true significance, I am grateful for the experience. I no longer take my dreams or experiences for granted. Each one holds meaning, even if its complete understanding isn’t immediately apparent.

Keeping track of these dreams and experiences has become essential for me. They provide insights and guide my spiritual journey. I am excited about the process of awakening and observing how things unfold. Each experience and dream is a step toward greater awareness and understanding.

The Broader Implications

Dreams like the one I had on December 13 offer glimpses into the mysteries of existence. They suggest that our reality is but one layer of a multi-faceted universe. These experiences invite us to consider the possibilities of parallel dimensions and the nature of our consciousness. They also remind us that our perception of reality is limited and constrained by our physical senses.

The sensation of stepping into another dimension challenges our understanding of time and space. It prompts us to question the linear nature of time and the boundaries of our physical world. What if time is not a straight line but a series of interconnected points? What if our consciousness can traverse these points, moving between different realities?

Personal Growth and Awakening

Reflecting on this dream, I am reminded of the importance of being open to new experiences and perspectives. Dreams can be powerful tools for personal growth and spiritual awakening. They provide a unique window into our subconscious mind and the deeper layers of our existence.

I encourage others to pay attention to their dreams and the sensations they experience within them. Keeping a dream journal can be valuable, helping capture and analyze these fleeting moments. Over time, patterns and insights may emerge, offering guidance and understanding.


The December 13, 2019, dream was a profound experience that felt like stepping into another dimension. It challenged my understanding of reality and invited me to explore the possibilities of parallel worlds and the nature of consciousness. As I continue on my journey of awakening, I remain grateful for these experiences and the insights they provide.

Dreams are beyond mere fantasies; they are gateways to deeper truths and higher awareness. By embracing and reflecting on our dreams, we can uncover their hidden meanings and lessons. Have you ever dreamt of stepping into another dimension? If so, what insights did it offer you? Our dreams can be powerful guides, leading us to better understand ourselves and the universe.


Channeling, Dream Interpretation, Dream Symbolism, Dreams, Inner Wisdom, Lynna K Teer, Mystical Experiences, Spiritual Awakening

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