July 11

Navigating The Dream

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Navigating The Dream

On the night of December 30, 2019, I found myself navigating a dream that took place on an airport tarmac. This vivid dream, filled with symbolism and a sense of urgency, left me pondering its more profound meaning and the insights it might hold about my waking life.

The Dream

In the dream, a friend and I ran across an airport tarmac, desperately trying to catch a flight. As we sprinted towards our destination, we encountered a wall made of meshed rope, resembling netting. Without hesitation, we began to scale the wall, climbing higher and higher. Interestingly, even while climbing, I questioned the meaning of the dream, a practice that has become more frequent. Being awake and knowing I was dreaming within the dream prompted me to explore and seek the meaning of the symbolism.

As we climbed, we reached a narrow entrance at the top of the netting, leading to a plane's cargo hold. Midway through our ascent, I had an epiphany—we were taking the hard way. Off to our left, I noticed a sizeable winding ramp that led directly to the terminal. Realizing our mistake, we let go of the netting and dropped back to the tarmac. We then ran towards the ramp, which offered a much easier path to our goal.

Once inside the terminal, we rushed to the counter, and the dream ended.

Reflecting on the Dream

Upon waking, I didn’t immediately grasp the significance of the dream. However, a clear thought emerged as I copied the notes from my journal. The dream illustrated a fundamental lesson: we often make things more complicated than necessary. There is usually an easier, more straightforward path to achieving our goals, yet we complicate our journey.

Dream Journal


The Symbolism of the Dream

  • The Airport Tarmac: The setting of the dream, an airport tarmac, symbolizes a transitional space, a place of departure and arrival. It represents the journey and the various paths we can take in life.

  • The Meshed Rope Wall: Climbing the netting wall symbolizes the challenges and obstacles we often create for ourselves. It represents the hard way we sometimes choose out of habit or lack of awareness.

  • The Winding Ramp: The ramp to the terminal signifies the more accessible, more efficient path often available if we take the time to look around and consider our options.

Awareness Within the Dream: Becoming aware that I was dreaming and questioning the dream’s meaning highlights my growing self-awareness and introspection. It suggests an evolving consciousness that seeks to understand and learn from waking and dreaming experiences.

The Lesson of the Dream

The primary lesson from this dream is that there is often an easier way to reach our goals. We tend to complicate our lives with unnecessary struggles and obstacles. This dream served as a reminder to pause, reflect, and consider alternative paths that might simplify our journey.

While the dream did not directly reference imagination, it subtly pointed to the inner resources we all possess. According to Neville Goddard, God resides within us as our wonderful human imagination. Though challenging for some to grasp, this concept aligns with my experiences and beliefs. Our imagination holds the power to shape our reality and create the paths we take.

Applying the Dream’s Insights

Reflecting on this dream has encouraged me to be more mindful of my choices and paths. It has reminded me to look for simpler, more efficient ways to achieve my goals. Instead of instinctively opting for the most challenging route, I can pause, assess the situation, and choose an easy and efficient path.

Moreover, the dream reinforced the importance of self-awareness and introspection. I can navigate my journey with greater clarity and purpose by being conscious of my thoughts and actions, both in waking life and in dreams.


Dreams like the one I had on December 30, 2019, offer valuable insights into our inner world and choices. They remind us of the power of our imagination and the importance of self-awareness. As we navigate the tarmacs of our lives, we can scale the walls of unnecessary challenges or easily take the winding ramps that lead us to our destinations. The choice is ours, and the lessons from our dreams can guide us towards a more mindful and fulfilling journey.

Interested in keeping track of your dreams? Order the Dream Journal today!

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Channeling, Dream Interpretation, Dream Symbolism, Dreams, Inner Wisdom, Lynna K Teer, Mystical Experiences, Spiritual Awakening

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