May 9

Everything lies Within You


Everything Lies Within You

Everything lies within you and is connected and unified under an infinite source of awareness. When I first experienced this epiphany, I was overwhelmed with frustration. Although awakening to this awareness may be difficult, it is a process that every individual will inevitably experience. Every person is at a different level of consciousness – wealthy, destitute, sick, healthy, cognizant, oblivious – at any given time. So, it’s natural that we have all turned to outside sources for answers at some point or another. Nonetheless, all the answers we look for already exist within us.

We need to take a step back, go inward, and be still to access this power. Everything is within you, and in the stillness, we realize that. Quiet contemplation can take some practice and may not come easily initially. At the start, you might feel inundated with an influx of thoughts. As a result of life experiences, it can be tough to untangle this chaos. But underneath these inner conflicts is an incomparable bliss and stillness that each and every one of us shares.

Having the ability to watch my own thoughts in meditation or day-to-day, I’ve noticed that peace floods my mind and body. The desperation and longing I felt before have been replaced with an understanding of what is. What you yearn for already lies within you. As I embrace and accept this fact, I feel a sense of relief. Constantly seeking outside of ourselves no longer feels necessary or even desired. I encourage you to try it yourself.

Dedicate some time to introspection and monitoring your inner dialogue. If it is a challenge at first, stay with it. If you struggle, forgive yourself and take small steps until it comes naturally. It may even result in visions, revelations, or spiritual dreams, just as it has for me. As a reminder, whatever you need can be found within. No more searching outside of yourself. Everything lies within you.


Conscious Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Lynna K Teer, Manifestation Mastery, Manifesting Techniques, Meditation, Spiritual Discipline, Visualization

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