January 16

Unveiling Your True Identity: Exploring the Question, “Who Are You?”


Unveiling Your True Identity

Unveiling Your True Identity is the journey. So, that is a thought-provoking question for you: What is your true identity? How many times have you found yourself responding to the question “Who are you?” by stating your profession or what you do? It’s common to hear responses like “I am a writer,” “I am a teacher,” “I am an office manager,” or “I am a bank teller.” We often identify ourselves based on our jobs or roles in life.

Similarly, how often have you been asked, “How are you feeling today?” and replied with a simple “I’m good,” “I’m great,” or “I’m not feeling well”? In social situations, when someone introduces themselves and extends their hand, we may automatically respond with our names, saying, “Nice to meet you, I am John” or “I am Mary.” We frequently attach words to the phrase “I am” to describe our feelings or current state of being.

Take a moment to reflect on the numerous times you’ve used the phrase “I am” followed by an adjective or noun. “I am hungry,” “I am tired,” “I am successful,” or “I am feeling energetic today.” Each time we do this, we are essentially claiming that specific quality or state for ourselves. It’s intriguing to consider the significance of these statements. Unveiling your true identity comes with recognizing who you claim yourself to be. I AM is the name of God (source).

While I won’t delve into the concept of our soul’s essence in relation to God or a higher power, I will mention that “I AM,” as stated in Scripture, is considered the name of God. Therefore, when we say “I am” followed by something, we are unintentionally declaring it as part of our identity. This realization holds profound meaning.

Let’s say you currently work as a cashier in a grocery store, but your true passion lies in painting. If someone were to ask, “What do you do?” you might instinctively respond, “I work at a grocery store. I am a cashier.” However, why not claim your true calling? Why not confidently declare, “I am a painter”? If deep within your heart you know that you are an artist, a musician, or a dancer, then embrace that identity without concern for societal expectations.

All of us possess innate talents and spiritual gifts, although we may not always recognize them until we undergo a personal awakening. During this awakening, we come to understand the reasons behind our deep-rooted passions and interests. These pursuits often align with our true gifts and purpose in life. Through this realization, we begin to glimpse the authentic truth of who we are.

Awakening allows us to recognize that we are infinite and divine beings, manifestations of God, source energy, and boundless love. This is the essence of our being. While we tend to use various labels and descriptors to define ourselves, it is crucial to remember that words hold immense power. So why not claim exactly who you are and who you aspire to be?

Let go of societal expectations and embrace your true identity. If you are a painter, declare, “I am a painter.” If you are a musician, affirm, “I am a musician.” Remember, words shape our reality, so choose them wisely and claim your authentic self with confidence and conviction.


Ascension, Consciousness, Inner Wisdom, Journey of Awakening, Lynna K Teer, Mindfulness, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Discipline, Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Truth

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