September 7

A Vision of the Horizon

Mystical dreams and visions are common in my life now. On the night of Jun 24, 2020, I had a vision of the horizon and a deep expanse. The vision occurred shortly after I had woken up. In addition to the vision, I had a series of dreams that night. Although I had woken up, I closed my eyes again to meditate and saw what looked like a deep, dark expanse.

I realized that I was looking up from a large ravine and saw a huge dark figure with no features.  However, its shape was that of a giant, but I could only see the outline of its head and shoulders.  It reminded me of a black cherub I saw sitting on the back of my couch many years ago upon waking from a nap. Only this was not a cherub. This thing that I saw had tremendous power. Although it wasn’t showing its’ power, I could feel it, and then it vanished.

A vision of the Horizon

What I saw next was a vision of the horizon. The horizon was extraordinarily close and felt oversized, as though it were a large mural, and I was standing directly in front of it.  Horizontal shades of blues, oranges, yellows, and purple made up this beautiful horizon like a rainbow. In this vision of the horizon, the horizon seemed to separate the blue sky above it from what I noticed was a vast green grass. This was one of the most vivid visions I’ve ever had. It was so expansive, so clear, and beautiful. Then the scene switched.

The next thing I saw was the figure I had seen before. The one looking into the ravine. This dark figure appeared again. It was so massive that it took up the entire space between the horizon and the field.  Then it dove forward as if it were diving into the field to take a swim. It moved quickly and covered the entire field.  Again, the figure’s motion was as if it were swimming, yet it washed over the field. Everything in the scene was enormous. It was an incredible vision that I will not forget; this vision of the horizon.

Some of my visions are so vivid and powerful that I often wish I were a painter to capture the imagery in my visions. Many of my dreams and visions are adumbrations of Neville Goddard’s experiences as they correlate with scripture. Others prove that there is far more to what we experience in a third-dimensional reality. I have had hundreds of experiences, and I am excited about all the experiences I will continue to have on this journey of awakening. Have you ever had a mystical dream or vision?


Channeling, Dream Interpretation, Dream Symbolism, Dreams, Inner Wisdom, Lynna K Teer, Mystical Experiences, Spiritual Awakening

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