July 25



Our purpose is to awaken. There is a difference between our purpose and desire. We all have the same purpose, but those who have yet to awaken may mistake desire for their purpose.  Before I started to awaken last year, I thought I had found my purpose.  It was to write and share my story of overcoming anxiety and depression.


Almost 40 years later, I realized that writing wasn’t my calling.  I am here to awaken, teach, and love. I am here to assist by holding the light. Writing is a desire to be realized, to get a portion of what I am meant to teach others. All of our desires are given to us by God within us for a reason to be realized. Before this awakening experience, I thought that purpose was unique to each of us.  The more I read Neville Goddard’s teachings, and the more I cross-reference material like the bible, the Zohar, and study experiences of various mystics, it’s clear that our true purpose is to “Awake.”


There is a difference between purpose and desire. I’ll be the first to admit that what I’m saying won’t make sense to everyone, which is okay.  Had someone pointed this out to me a couple of years ago, I may not have given it a second thought.  Now, I have no doubt.  So, I’ll reiterate that our purpose is to awaken the things we feel called to do our desires.  We have fueled those big desires by what we call passion is often what we think our purpose is in life.

If you pay attention to enough motivational content, you’ll notice that the question of “why” often comes up.  What is your why? Well, the why is the outcome, the feeling of what fulfilling a desire will provide.  Contemplate what I’m saying, especially if it resonates a little but doesn’t entirely make sense.  All the answers are within anyway!


Conscious Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Lynna K Teer, Manifestation Mastery, Manifesting Techniques, Meditation, Spiritual Discipline, Visualization

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