June 18

Hemp for Depression: Does it Really Work?

Hemp for Depression: Does it Really Work?

Did you know that depression affects 5% to 10% of Americans every year? Adults have a 20% chance of developing depression of some form at least once in their lives. It’s becoming a full-blown epidemic! So many of us are desperate to help relieve the symptoms associated with this condition. I’m sure that you’ve heard some people claim that using hemp for depression helps, but in the back of your mind, you’re probably wondering how true those claims are. This post is going to answer that question for you.

What Exactly Causes Depression?

In most cases, depression is a condition that is brought on by a major traumatic event. But there is a debate over the role that neurochemistry plays in this condition. What I can say for certain is that completely blaming it on an imbalance is a mistake. That would mean that there is no way to cure it, which is far from the case. We see people every day find ways to live a normal life even though they suffer from depression.

All we know for sure is that our brains experience a reduction in neurotransmitters when we’re depressed. However, this is a symptom and not the cause.

Hemp for Depression

Using hemp for depression has started to trend around the world, but just because it’s a trend does not necessarily mean that it works. We need to dive a bit deeper. CBD oil will actually interact with those neurotransmitters and allow them to interact. This leads to the production of serotonin and dopamine. Since these two transmitters are how our brain fights depression, CBD oil helps us produce them tells us that it can help fight off depression.

So yes, using hemp for depression really does work, but only if used as part of an overall strategy.


Anxiety and Depression, Lynna K Teer, Mindset, Personal Growth, Positive Thinking, Self-discovery

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