October 26

David and the Adumbration of the Birth

David and the Adumbration of the Birth

David and the Adumbration of the birth from above (the skull) was the symbolism of my dream on November 10, 2019. From a mystical, awakened perspective, David is the personification of awakened humanity. The late mystic Neville Goddard spoke about David often in his lectures when he shared his experiences of awakening and his birth from above.

The dream of David and the adumbration was exciting. If you aren’t familiar with the term, adumbration means a faint sketch, an outline, or a brief representation.  Figuratively speaking, it is a rough or symbolic representation of something.  In the case of my dream, it was a foretelling of my spiritual birth from above. It was a beautiful adumbration.

So, in the dream, I was standing in an apartment with my youngest daughter’s father.  He was someone I had been in love with for many years. I was babysitting an infant sleeping in a bassinet in the living room.  As I stood in the kitchen, the baby fell through the bottom of the bassinet.  At that exact moment, my daughter’s dad entered the room.  He rushed over to the infant, picked him up, and started chest compressions. 

I heard the infant gasp for air and then looked up. I saw the infant, but he did not have an infant’s face.  Instead, he looked like a teenage boy with an olive complexion and curly blondish-brown hair. He was David, personified in the Bible as awakened humanity. This was similar to what Neville described in his lectures. This dream signified David and the adumbration of the birth from above.

While in the dream, I instinctively knew the significance of the dream. Even before waking up, I knew that the small child represented my spiritual birth from this profound sleep I have been experiencing in this physical body.  It has been a sleep similar to a death because my soul had to take on the physical body’s limitations and experience complete amnesia to have this experience.

The knowing that the baby was David and the adumbration of the birth from above came instantly. Sometimes the meaning of the symbolism comes through the morning after waking from a dream, sometimes days or months later.  This time the insight came while the dream was in progress.  Everyone is destined to awaken, and if you are familiar with Neville Goddards’ lectures, you may have similar experiences. 

I encourage you to always write your dreams down. In time, you will begin to see the patterns and recognize the messages and symbolism in your dreams. For more on the symbolism of David, Neville discusses it in several of his lectures and his book “The Law and The Promise.”


Channeling, Dream Interpretation, Dream Symbolism, Dreams, Inner Wisdom, Lynna K Teer, Mystical Experiences, Spiritual Awakening

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