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Transcending Illusion: Insights from Neville Goddard's 1959 Lectures

By Lynna K Teer
1959 Lectures
13 Lessons
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About Transcending Illusion: Insights from Neville Goddard's 1959 Lectures

In this transformative course, we delve into Neville Goddard's profound 1959 lecture series. Neville Goddard, a visionary spiritual teacher and metaphysical thinker, imparts timeless wisdom on a wide range of topics, including the lessons of Esau and Jacob, exploring the realm beyond worldly illusions, the power of what already exists, the art of dying to the old self, the transformative birth of the inner babe, the symbolic significance of bread and wine, the foundation stone of spiritual understanding, understanding the universal law, the essence of true Christianity, gaining spiritual vision, the all-seeing eyes of God, the story of Judas, and the value of dreams. Join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening as we explore the profound teachings of Neville Goddard.

Lesson 1: Esau and Jacob. In this introductory lesson, participants will explore Neville Goddard's lecture on the lessons of Esau and Jacob. Students will delve into the symbolic meaning behind the biblical story and its relevance to personal transformation and spiritual growth. Through lectures, discussions, and reflective exercises, participants will gain insights into the lessons of embracing one's true identity and the power of choice in shaping one's destiny.

Lesson 2: North of the Strip. Building upon the previous lesson, this lesson focuses on exploring the realm beyond worldly illusions. Participants will delve into Neville Goddard's teachings on transcending the limitations of the material world and accessing higher levels of consciousness. Through lectures, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, students will gain insights into expanding their awareness and tapping into the infinite possibilities beyond the "strip" of everyday reality.

Lesson 3: That Which Already Has Been. In this lesson, participants will explore Neville Goddard's teachings on the power of what already exists. Students will delve into the understanding that all manifestations and desired outcomes already exist in the realm of the imagination. Through lectures, self-reflection exercises, and group discussions, participants will learn how to align their thoughts and beliefs with the reality of their desires and manifest them into their physical experience.

Lesson  4: The Art of Dying. Building upon the previous lessons, this lesson explores the art of dying to the old self. Participants will delve into Neville Goddard's teachings on the transformative power of letting go of old beliefs, patterns, and identities. Through lectures, experiential exercises, and group discussions, students will learn practical techniques for releasing attachments to the past and embracing the new versions of themselves.

Lesson 5: The Birth of the Babe. In this lesson, participants will explore Neville Goddard's teachings on the transformative birth of God within. Students will delve into the symbolism and significance of the birth of the babe in personal growth and spiritual awakening. Through lectures, reflective exercises, and group discussions, participants will gain insights into nurturing and embodying their inner child to experience profound transformation.

Lesson 6: The Bread and The Wine. Building upon the previous lessons, this lesson focuses on the symbolic significance of bread and wine. Participants will delve into Neville Goddard's teachings on the transformative power of spiritual nourishment and communion. Through lectures, experiential exercises, and group discussions, students will learn to connect with and internalize the divine sustenance that leads to spiritual growth and realization.

Lesson 7: The Foundation Stone. In this lesson, participants will explore Neville Goddard's teachings on the foundation stone of spiritual understanding. Students will delve into the core principles and practices that form the basis of spiritual growth and self-realization. Through lectures, self-reflection exercises, and group discussions, participants will establish a solid foundation for their spiritual journey.

Lesson 8: The Law. Building upon the previous lessons, this lesson explores the essence of the universal law. Participants will delve into Neville Goddard's teachings on understanding and harnessing the universal principles that govern creation and manifestation. Through lectures, experiential exercises, and group discussions, students will learn how to align with the law to consciously create their desired reality.

Lesson 9: The Only Christianity. In this lesson, participants will explore Neville Goddard's teachings on the essence of true Christianity. Students will delve into the universal spiritual principles that transcend religious dogma and embody the transformative teachings of Christ consciousness. Through lectures, reflective exercises, and group discussions, participants will gain insights into living a spiritual life beyond religious boundaries.

Lesson 10: The Second Vision. Building upon the previous lessons, this lesson focuses on the importance of gaining spiritual vision. Participants will delve into Neville Goddard's teachings on expanding their inner sight and perceiving the hidden truths beyond appearances. Through lectures, experiential exercises, and group discussions, students will learn to cultivate their spiritual vision and navigate life with clarity and wisdom.

Lesson 11: The Seven Eyes of God. In this lesson, participants will explore Neville Goddard's teachings on the all-seeing eyes of God. Students will delve into the understanding that divine consciousness is ever-present and aware of all experiences. Through lectures, self-reflection exercises, and group discussions, participants will deepen their connection with the divine and align their consciousness with higher awareness.

Lesson 12: The Story of Judas. Building upon the previous lessons, this lesson explores the story of Judas. Participants will delve into Neville Goddard's teachings on the transformative lessons behind this biblical narrative. Through lectures, experiential exercises, and group discussions, students will gain insights into the symbolic meaning of betrayal and forgiveness in their own spiritual journey.

Lesson 13: The Value of Dreams. In the final lesson, participants will explore the value of dreams. Drawing from Neville Goddard's teachings, students will gain profound insights into the transformative power of dreams and their significance in personal growth and manifestation. Through lectures, interactive exercises, and group discussions, participants will learn how to interpret and harness the wisdom of their dreams for spiritual awakening and realization.

This course offers an immersive and interactive learning experience. Participants will have access to recorded lectures, reading materials, guided exercises, and a dedicated online platform for discussions and collaboration. The course is designed for self-paced learning, allowing participants to complete the modules at their own convenience within a specified time frame.

Embark on this transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening as we explore Neville Goddard's profound 1959 lecture series. Unveil the fulfillment of divine promises, transcend worldly illusions, embrace the power of what already exists, master the art of dying to the old self, experience the transformative birth of the inner babe, partake in the spiritual communion of bread and wine, lay the foundation stone of spiritual understanding, understand the universal law, embody true Christianity, gain spiritual vision, perceive through the all-seeing eyes of God, learn from the story of Judas, and harness the value of dreams. Enroll today and unlock the limitless potential of your spiritual journey!

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About Lynna K Teer

Lynna K Teer is a Spiritual Teacher and Conscious Manifestation Coach. Lynna passionately supports conscious men and women on their transformative paths. She is dedicated to empowering individuals by helping them develop unwavering trust in their intuition and step boldly into their true power and purpose. Lynna's guidance fosters deep self-discovery, leading her clients towards lives that are authentic, purposeful, and in alignment with their inner wisdom.

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