July 16

The 12 Gifts of The Spirit


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The 12 Gifts of the Spirit: A Guide for the Spiritually Awakened and Ascending in Consciousness

The spiritual awakening journey and consciousness ascent are profoundly transformative experiences. The 12 gifts of the spirit that emerge on this journey help us navigate spiritual awakening, come into deeper alignment with our higher self, and use our gifts to assist the collective consciousness. Understanding and embracing these 12 Gifts of the Spirit can be a life-changing revelation for those who are spiritually awakened and ascending in consciousness.

The Bible, which speaks of the 12 Gifts of the Spirit, tells the story of this journey of awakening. The Old Testament is all about the unawakened man and The Law. It is about how to cushion the blows of life and how to manifest. It is the foreshadowing of The New Testament, what unfolds as man awakens. It is a difficult book to read and understand because it is full of symbolism. That symbolism is revealed to the awakened man who seeks to understand. The pattern of scripture is unfolding in each individual. The New Testament tells the story, in symbolism, of the awakened man. It tells of God's Promise to man (humanity).

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The 12 Gifts of the Spirit

1. Wisdom

Wisdom is the ability to see things from a divine perspective. It allows us to understand the deeper meaning of life and the universe. For the spiritually awakened, wisdom is more than knowledge; the profound insight comes from the heart and soul. It guides us to make decisions that align with our highest good and the greater good.

2. Understanding

Understanding goes hand in hand with wisdom. The gift enables us to comprehend the truths and teachings of the divine. This gift helps us to see beyond the surface and grasp the essence of spiritual principles. Understanding brings clarity and a deeper connection with the divine for those ascending in consciousness.

3. Counsel

Counsel, also known as proper judgment, is the ability to discern and choose the right path. This gift is particularly crucial for those on a spiritual journey, as it helps us navigate the complexities of life with divine guidance. It empowers us to make choices that reflect our spiritual values and principles.

4. Fortitude

Fortitude is the gift of spiritual courage and strength. It allows us to persevere through challenges and adversities with unwavering faith. For the spiritually awakened, fortitude is essential in maintaining our commitment to the spiritual path, even when faced with difficulties.

5. Knowledge

In the context of the Gifts of the Spirit, knowledge is the ability to perceive the divine plan and our role within it. It is the understanding of our purpose and the interconnectedness of all life. This gift enriches our spiritual journey by providing a deeper awareness of our divine mission.

6. Piety

Piety, or reverence, is the gift that fosters a deep sense of respect and devotion towards the divine. It nurtures our relationship with the divine and cultivates a heart of gratitude and love. For the spiritually awakened, piety enhances our spiritual practices and rituals, making them more meaningful and transformative.

7. Fear of the Lord

Fear of the Lord, often misunderstood, is the profound respect and awe towards the divine. It is not fear in the conventional sense but a deep reverence for the divine power and majesty. This gift keeps us humble and reminds us of our place in the universe’s grand scheme.

8. Prophecy

Prophecy is the ability to receive and communicate divine messages. It is a gift that connects us with the higher realms and allows us to share divine wisdom and guidance with others. For those ascending in consciousness, prophecy can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and collective awakening.

9. Healing

Healing is the gift of restoring physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is the divine ability to bring wholeness and harmony to oneself and others. For the spiritually awakened, the gift of healing is often manifested through various modalities, such as energy healing, prayer, and compassionate presence.

10. Miracles

The gift of miracles is the divine power to bring about extraordinary events that transcend natural laws. It is the manifestation of divine intervention in our lives. For those ascending in consciousness, miracles are seen as reminders of the divine presence and the limitless possibilities beyond the material realm.

11. Discernment of Spirits

Discernment of spirits is the ability to perceive and distinguish between different spiritual influences. This gift is crucial for navigating the spiritual realms and aligning with the divine. For the spiritually awakened, discernment helps to identify and align with positive, uplifting energies while avoiding harmful influences.

12. Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues

Finally, the last of the 12 Gifts of the Spirit, the gift of tongues (light language), is the ability to speak in languages unknown to the speaker, often as a form of divine communication. The interpretation of tongues is the ability to understand and translate these messages. For those ascending in consciousness, these gifts symbolize the unity of all languages and cultures, highlighting the universal nature of divine communication.

Embracing the Gifts of the Spirit

For the spiritually awakened and those ascending in consciousness, the 12 Gifts of the Spirit are more than abstract concepts; they are lived experiences. Embracing these gifts involves cultivating a deep connection with the divine and allowing these gifts to manifest in our daily lives. Here are some ways to embrace and develop these gifts:

  • Daily Meditation and Prayer: Regular meditation and prayer help to deepen our connection with the divine and open us to receive the Gifts of the Spirit.
  • Study and Reflection: Engaging with spiritual texts and reflecting on their teachings can enhance our understanding and wisdom
  • Service to Others: Using our gifts to serve and uplift others is a powerful way to express and develop them.
  • Spiritual Community: Being part of a spiritual community supports and encourages our spiritual journey.
  • Self-Reflection: Regular self-reflection helps us to recognize and develop our spiritual gifts.

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The 12 Gifts of the Spirit are divine blessings that enrich our spiritual journey and deepen our connection with the divine. These gifts provide guidance, strength, and inspiration for those who are spiritually awakened and ascending in consciousness. By embracing and developing these gifts, we enhance our spiritual growth and contribute to the collective awakening and the elevation of consciousness.

As we continue on our spiritual path, may we remain open to receiving and sharing the 12 Gifts of the Spirit, allowing them to transform our lives and the world around us. In doing so, we fulfill our divine purpose and embody the light and love of the divine in all that we do. To better understand the deeper meaning of these gifts and the unfolding pattern of scripture, I recommend checking out the teachings of Neville Goddard. You may also be interested in some of the blog posts I've written about the symbolism found in scripture.

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Ascension, Consciousness, Inner Wisdom, Journey of Awakening, Lynna K Teer, Mindfulness, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Discipline, Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Truth

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